GL033 Managing Mischief

Cheeky track for people pulling pranks or generally being sneaky and naughty. Left melodically sparse to leave room for plenty of whispering, shushing, and goose stepping.

This track is available for scoring, and also acts as a demo of some of my stylistic capabilities. If you'd like to commission custom work, please get in touch. I'm always interested in new projects.

If you'd like to use this track, please message me for attribution requirements.

GL033 Managing Mischief Files

"Here comes mischief! (Explored Feb. 23, 2015)" by ^ Johnny is licensed with CC BY-NC 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

GL017 There's No Coffee In Hell

You've overslept, your shower breaks right after you apply shampoo, you realize you forgot to buy more coffee beans, you can't find your keys, you miss your train or bus, and by the time it's noon you've said every four letter word out loud 436 times. It's like being in Hell where, on top of overall general horribleness, there isn't even any coffee.

This kitschy track was written as a counterpoint to a hypothetical terrible morning. I don't know if there's much more to say about it. It's simple, light, kind of cheesy, and features piano, strings, trumpet with harmon mute, and drum kit with brushes.

As with all the things posted here, this is freely available for use in games and/or animation projects. It also works as a short demo of my style and abilities. I’m actively looking for new gigs, so if you enjoy anything here please get in touch to discuss some custom work.

I’ve provided separate intro/loop files for ease of editing. If you would like to use this royalty free loop, please message me for attribution requirements.

GL017 There's No Coffee In Hell Files

GL012 And Just Like That

“Ever wish you could _______? Well now you can! It’s simple…”

This track was created for tutorial videos for the Flipboard app. They needed something that was bouncy and light without being too dramatic or imposing. The challenge was to make this track go somewhere without building it in density, melodic complexity, or rhythmic syncopation. This is the first Game Loop that I’m including a stinger with. This punchy little ditty acts as the end of the track. Simply loop the piece as long as you’d like, and when you need the piece to end, cut the track and splice in the stinger. It should work anywhere.

Here’s one of the tutorials in action!

As with all the things posted here, this is freely available for use in games and/or animation projects. It also works as a sort of demo of my style and abilities. I’m actively looking for new gigs, so if you like anything here please get in touch and we can discuss some custom work.

I’ve provided separate intro/loop files for ease of editing. If you would like to use this royalty free loop, please message me.

GL012 And Just Like That Files

GL011 Overcast Nostalgia

This was created for a game that needed something ambient and not specifically emotional in any sort of definitive way. To take this idea of ambiguity further, I created a patch in Max/Msp that would generate clusters of harmony from a specified pool of notes. Then two groups could be cross faded between each other creating a push and pull of meandering tonality. My hopes were that the key center could be heard as any of the distinct 7 pitchers, or at the very least, it would be difficult to tell whether it was centered around a major or minor mode.

The stuttering rhythm is from a stacked set of 5ths played in a piano. I took a single iteration with a long decay and make a patch to skip around the buffer creating unspecified syncopation. The stresses literally happen when the sound skips to an earlier part of the decay. The sounds used for the rhythmic ostinato was designed by hand with white noise and sine waves.

This piece was heavily influenced by the electro-acoustic work I was fond of during undergrad. At the time I was extremely interested in the work of the artists of 12k and Trente Oiseaux. For those in the know, this piece is an homage to Ryuichi Sakamoto and Alvo Noto’s Vrioon - an album that remains incredibly important to me to this day.

As with all the things posted here, this is freely available for use in games and/or animation projects. It also works as a sort of demo of my style and abilities. I’m actively looking for new gigs, so if you like anything here please get in touch and we can discuss some custom work.

I’ve provided separate intro/loop files for ease of editing. If you would like to use this royalty free loop, please message me.

GL011 Overcast Nostalgia Files

GL009 Intro to Murder

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted something. I’ve been working on a more epic track, but I’ve run into a few snags and it’s taking a little longer than expected. In lieu of that, I present a (non-loopable) piece I wrote as an intro to a film that was unfortunatelyabandoned before release. This is dark and ominous with violent undertones. Themes of murder, assassination, international treachery, double agents, and false identities all come to mind. Imagine a close up of drops of red ink falling onto a sheet of white paper, or black ties and socks neatly being placed into carry-on luggage by a faceless entity, and shoes that are just a little too well polished. Or, if we want to get creepy with it, a slow pan across disheveled carpeting and a tattered teddy bear slumped in the corner. Crikey!

This was written a number of years ago when these particular instruments were still pretty new to me. The character of some of the swells in the woodwinds is a little off-putting, though I’m not convinced many people would notice had I not just pointed it out. Let’s just pretend it was intentional and adds to the creepy factor ;) Production quagmires aside, I like how it came together as a composition.

No loop files are provided with this one as it’s not really a loop. I’ve provided a direct download in the event that I reach my max on Soundcloud, though. If you would like to use this royalty free track, please message me.

GL009 Intro to Murder Direct Download