GL045 Mysterious Lights

Mystery drones for strange lights in the woods. Is it a ghost? Is it an Alien? Maybe someone's playing flashlight tag. You wish. It's actually a ghost alien. So spooky.

This track is available for scoring, and also acts as a demo of some of my stylistic capabilities. If you'd like to commission custom work, please get in touch. I'm always interested in new projects.

If you'd like to use this track, please message me for attribution requirements.

GL045 Mysterious Lights

Image by Thomas Budach insta: @tbudach

GL014 Sneak Attack

“The dossier is heavily guarded even at night. You must infiltrate headquarters undetected and record the documents on this microfilm embedded in the frame of your eyeglasses, then rendezvous at the designated extraction point by 0700 hours. Good luck agent 014!”

This track was created for Pixel Hero - Prologue (which is seeking funding). The developers needed a ~1:00 sneaky spy theme for some of the covert missions. I love love love anything spy, detective, or noir themed, so I was happy to oblige.

As with all the things posted here, this is freely available for use in games and/or animation projects. It also works as a sort of demo of my style and abilities. I’m actively looking for new gigs, so if you like anything here please get in touch and we can discuss some custom work.

I’ve provided separate intro/loop files for ease of editing. If you would like to use this royalty free loop, please message me.

GL014 Sneak Attack Files

GL009 Intro to Murder

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted something. I’ve been working on a more epic track, but I’ve run into a few snags and it’s taking a little longer than expected. In lieu of that, I present a (non-loopable) piece I wrote as an intro to a film that was unfortunatelyabandoned before release. This is dark and ominous with violent undertones. Themes of murder, assassination, international treachery, double agents, and false identities all come to mind. Imagine a close up of drops of red ink falling onto a sheet of white paper, or black ties and socks neatly being placed into carry-on luggage by a faceless entity, and shoes that are just a little too well polished. Or, if we want to get creepy with it, a slow pan across disheveled carpeting and a tattered teddy bear slumped in the corner. Crikey!

This was written a number of years ago when these particular instruments were still pretty new to me. The character of some of the swells in the woodwinds is a little off-putting, though I’m not convinced many people would notice had I not just pointed it out. Let’s just pretend it was intentional and adds to the creepy factor ;) Production quagmires aside, I like how it came together as a composition.

No loop files are provided with this one as it’s not really a loop. I’ve provided a direct download in the event that I reach my max on Soundcloud, though. If you would like to use this royalty free track, please message me.

GL009 Intro to Murder Direct Download