Animation Scoring Reel

00:13 - Burglars Inc. Action, cool, big band jazz.
00:49 - Starship Goldfish Trailer. Epic, orchestral.
01:04 - Excerpt from Zakumi, 20 episode animated series for the 2010 World Cup. Quick stylistic cuts. *
03:38 - Excerpt from Pass the Sticks. Percussive fight scene. **
03:52 - Flower Found! Quirky, playful.
04:29 - Death in Space. Humorous, quirky. **
04:50 - Iron Finger. Upbeat, manic.
05:14 - Minecon Commencement Animation. Intrigue, mystery, spy. *
06:04 - League of Shadows. Fantasy, majestic, mysterious.

* written while assisting Kevin MacLeod.
** music not used for final product.

Additional Musical Samples

Kitsch, 50's advertisement


Fantasy, mysterious, cinematic

Dark, electronic

Quirky, summer camp

Spy jazz, based on 4 notes from an Archer cue
